Sunday, February 27, 2011


When we left South Africa in November we were expecting to return well before the February due date of Battie and Sylvie's little one. Surprise! In January, Sylvie finally got an appointment for a scan which not only showed two blessings but that they would need to be delivered early by the doctor.

 Raphael and Tryner, the Lingala version of Rodney and Trina were born a month early but are strong and health. Perfect is loving being a big brother but thinks two babies are a little loud for him.
Battie, Sylvie, Perfect, Raphael and Tryner
We enjoy loving on and spoiling all our African kids. They are truly blessings.

1 comment:

  1. I Love your Blog page, I like looking at all the picture's, God Bless you !!!!!
