December 19th was my birthday. Forty has mistakenly been called the "Over the Hill" age but I intend to live to be 100 therefore not even half my life is over. I have told my family they cannot consider me old until I reach at least 99 but by then I will have started counting backwards so you may never again know my real age (hehe). My day started with breakfast in bed and ended with a party given by our South African family and hosted by my dear friend Liezel Essop. I was very blessed by the royal treatment. There is never a day that goes by when I do not think of and miss my family in the States but it is a huge blessing to have very close friends around the world. I feel very loved and treasured. Thank you to all of you who made my birthday so special with visits, cards, calls and emails.
Happy Late Birthday, Trina. So glad you got to have a party. We celebrated James and Jamies birthdays (Jamie 1/9, James 1/10 and Travis on Dec. 18th (20 yrs.) Everyone we know is getting older which makes us really OLD. Living on Grace Days is just fine however. We miss all of you and pray for you daily. We look forward to seeing you all in March if you get to come. The blog is a good idea and give us more info on you guys. Leon and Pat