While ministering near Cape Town the Lord spoke to us "to prepare our hearts for an expansion of our team." While it was initially surprising, we do have need of help in many areas of ministry. Please pray with us for the Lord's wisdom for what this means for us and the work we are doing.
Pictured to the left are Pastors Mqokeleli & Nosipho Mntanga from the Mbekweni Township who are working to bring together many different groups of Christians to effect change in their community and the surrounding areas.
On the drive home Bridget got to make some new friends at the Cheetah Sanctuary in Bloemfontein, SA.
We can't do justice to all of the great things the Lord did on this trip as many relationships were restored and made stronger. We are preparing for much more to be done in this part of South Africa.
Blessings in Christ,
Rodney, Trina, Bridget
IRC Ministries
South Africa
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