Wednesday, December 5, 2012

November 5, 2012

Some of the Saints we are working with in the work in Stratford

Pastor Blesson Kallimel of Beersheba Church in Oxford


We have just returned from visiting several different parts of the Body of Christ in England. Our burden for this area dates back 15 years and is only at the infant stage of development. Part of the mission is helping to pioneer a new home based fellowship in East London. The leaders of this group have become spiritual children to us over the years and it is very exciting to be helping them fulfill their callings in a city with a challenging spiritual environment. Islam and Secular Humanism are two of the biggest hindrances to the work of the Lord in London. It will take persistence and a total dependence on the Holy Spirit to see this work succeed.

Beyond this we also work with an established fellowship, BFCI, in the city of Oxford Pastor Blesson and his wife, Grace, are exceptional friends who are already doing a wonderful work in this area.Every time we get to be together, there is a mutual blessing that helps us prepare for and look to the future with anticipation. We will support this man of God in every way possible as he has been prepared for very significant ministry in the UK at this time. The last leg of the trip was a prayer walk in the city of Leeds in Northern England. Many years ago I had a dream about this area and this trip marked the first of what will be many trips to the region. I am convinced that the Yorkshire area, with its population of roughly five million, will be the center of one of the most important moves of God that the modern Church will witness. It is imperative that Christians look beyond the spiritual doldrums that have plagued the UK in recent times and begin to base their conclusions on what God is saying and doing today! The Church in the UK is on the verge of an advance that will give hope to Christians in many nations that presently see very little of the life of Jesus in their societies!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Zimbabwe and Drakensberg 2012

August 15, 2012

Some of the Pastors from Zimbabwe, Zambia, Congo and South Africa


Pastors John Mkulisi and Ari Cavalcanti handing out Zulu Bibles

We have just finished two weeks working in Harare,Zimbabwe and the Drakensberg mountain area of South Africa. We attend an annual conference in Harare that brings leaders from many of the Southern African nations together for teaching and fellowship. Over the years this gathering has grown both in number and effectiveness. We are currently praying for a larger venue to accommodate the increased interest in the meetings. Please pray for the planning challenges that will go along with a new, larger event. We ask the leaders who attend to pay for their own transport cost and we, IRC Ministries and partners, do our best to provide Bible training and subsidize the venue for the attendees.

We have also seen our outreach to Zulu speaking people in the Drakensberg Mountain area of South Africa expand. We continue to work with several key leaders who definitely preside over fields of people that are "white for the harvest." Our recent work there included many salivations and bibles distributed. There is MUCH more to be done in this area and we appreciate your support!
Blessings in Christ...............................................Rod, Trina and Bridget

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Zimbabwe 2012

We just returned from eight days in Zimbabwe. The pastors conference went very well. The time in Zimbabwe was fantastic! Pastor Ari took several videos which can be viewed at:

Videos of ministry in Zim 2012

An update will be posted soon.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mozambique July 1, 2012

We have just completed a very intense period of ministry in South Africa and Mozambique. We spent a total of 27 days, from late May through June, traveling to Cape Town, SA and throughout southern Mozambique. Trina and Bridget spent this time at home in Durban as they worked through Bridget's school requirements.  It is a great challenge to be away from them for this length of time and it is our hope that in the future the schedule will allow for more time between ministry venues. 

There is emphasis on teaching ministry with Pastor John Mabunda

The work in Mozambique has exploded and there is no end in site to what the Lord is doing in that nation.  Having survived the terror of communism, where most Christian practice was deemed illegal, many people are receiving Christ and are very hungry to grow and mature in Him. There is a significant problem with witchcraft and occult practices in Mozambique and new believers must be taught not to involve themselves in any way with these deceptions.
Some of the simple and beautiful Christians in Maputo, Mozambique

One practical facet of the work there is to distribute bibles translated
 in the local African language, Tsonga (pronounced Shangan). With
the help of a minister from Brazil, Ari Cavalcanti, we were able to
distribute nearly 300 bibles to those who did not have any scripture
to study or read. While this distribution began the process we were
only able to place bibles in the hands of a fraction of the people in need.
Please continue to pray for more provision in this area as there is a
profound need for more bibles in and among the different people groups
and churches we are working with.

We are resting and preparing for a Southern Africa pastor's conference
in Harare, Zimbabwe from July22nd - 29th and work in the Drakensberg
Mountains, SA the first week of August.  Please keep these events and
our family in your prayers!    

Friday, June 8, 2012

Mozambique 2012

Maputo, Mozambique

Have you ever been in the presence of someone that you knew was "Great" in the sight of God? Pastor Camilo Manhico has served Christ as a local pastor in Maputo, Mozambique for the past 43 years, including more than 20 years of a brutal communist reign that saw great persecution come to anyone who dared to proclaim Christ.  His ministry has many facets, but perhaps the most moving is his work among the mentally ill.  He has housed and cared for thousands of the years that were deemed untreatable by the society and the state.  Multitudes have received total healing through only the prayer of the righteous and the Grace of Jesus Christ.  Many now have their own families and are pillars in the community in Maputo.  It is my prayer that I can one day say I've served Christ's purposes as faithfully as pastor Manhico.

Pastor Camilo Manhico and Rodney

Monday, June 4, 2012

Blessings in Africa

Hello my name in Zac, I live at Hearts that Hope. My name means "the Lord Remembers" I was found living in a township with my step mom, she didn't call me by name only "boy" and she didn't feed me or look after me. When Hearts that Hope found me my life was sitting around hoping to be fed only to get sugar water to drink and sand and dirt to eat. I moved into my new home on the 19th of May 2012. Even when I was living with my step mom in the township "THE LORD REMEMBERED" me. Now I love it at Hearts that Hope!!! Zachariah

Bridget and I had the pleasure of looking after little Zacky on Saturday while his new mom and dad went to a wedding. We had so much fun loving on this sweet little guy. His story is not unlike many of the children here in Africa. The difference is that Zac's story has a happy ending.

"Speak up for those who can not speak for themselves."

Proverbs 31:8

A baby was recently found in Kempton Park, near Johannesburg in a roadside drain. She was found by a security guard who was walking to work. The guard heard a noise coming from the drain but was not sure what it was. The security guard went back home to call her husband to ask him to help open the drain. While opening the cover, some police happened to drive past and stopped to see what was happening. That’s when they found the baby, with a bag around her head and another one around her body. It is estimated that she was under 24hrs old and she was still alive! After a brief stay in hospital she has been relocated to a place of safety.

This kind of thing does not have to happen. There are other solutions. In the Durban area there are several baby safes. A baby safe provides an opportunity for a mother to leave a baby anonymously, while being assured that proper care will be given to the baby. Staff are notified by voice call when a baby is left in the safe. The baby safe is a pre-assembled box that can be easily installed in any door or wall. The safe has a variety of features that makes it truly a safe, low maintenance, yet a life saving option for women and young girls in desperate circumstances.

We are convinced more than ever that God has astonishing plans to rescue defenseless babies from plastic bags, rubbish bins, dumpsters, the side of the road, and abandoned fields in South Africa and throughout Africa. Through partnering with organizations like Hearts that Hope and The Baby Safe we can make a difference one life at a time.

Blessings, Rodney and Trina

Family Milestones

Our three beautiful grandchildren.

Our son

We wanted to take the opportunity to brag a little on our family. In December we celebrated the birth of our grandson. In April our son-in-love came home from Afghanistan to his amazing wife and three beautiful children and in May our oldest son graduated from Ashford University. We are very proud of all our children. Our youngest is still loving life here in Africa with us but missing the family back home.

May 2, 2012

May 2012
Some of our good friends, Lijo and Bindu,with Bridget in London
We are entering a very busy time in ministry over the next three months.  Much of our work in the African countries is done over the winter period from June through August to limit the chances of mosquito born illness during the outreaches. At times the conditions are very rural causing transportation to be a significant challenge.  Also, during some of this ministry, Bridget and Trina will stay in South Africa adding the emotional strain of being separated from family. We will travel several places within South Africa, to Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and the United Kingdom. It is a wonderful privilege to serve the Lord in the capacity that we do, but we understand our utter dependence on Him more every day. Part of His Grace, is YOUR prayer support for us during this period.
Showing more of our majestic, local wildlife

Blessings in Christ..............Rod, Trina and Bridget

Saturday, April 21, 2012

March 29, 2012

We have returned to South Africa after a three month visit to the USA where we had a wonderful time with all parts of our family. December was spent with our immediate relatives in Alaska and Fort Worth, Texas. It was the first time in a number of years that we have been able so spend the entire holiday season with them. Our travel among the churches and Ministries we work with was equally fantastic.

Philippians 4:1 (NASB)
1. Therefore, my beloved brethren whom I long to see, my joy and crown, in this way stand firm in the Lord, my beloved.

Some of our friends in Fort Worth, Texas: Chris & Angela Hough, Cathy Spitale and James Jeter who is the founder of Bridges of Hope International.

James Jeter gave me my first job in the ministry many years ago. He taught me that ministries should exist for the purpose of exalting Christ and benefiting His people. Trina and I will always be committed to these values in our work.

These photos are some of the individuals we work with in the USA that make up our "joy and crown."

Eric & Elaine Johnson of Optimum Lifestyle in Houston, Texas

Jay and Kathy Sharp with Jayden, Jeremiah and Benjerman in East Texas
 Blessings,      Rod and Trina Kirkpatrick

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

November 30, 2011

                  Pastors from the Phoenix area of Durban, SA gathered for Praise and Worship

I recently spent a day of worship and intercession with many pastors from the Indian communities in the Durban, South Africa area. Just over 150 years ago, Indian nationals first arrived in South Africa as indentured servants trying to earn a better life for their families. Most of these original settlers were followers of Hinduism and to a lesser extent Islam. Over time the situation has changed dramatically. Once almost non-existant, Christianity is now estimated to be the choice of anywhere between 25 to 40 percent of the Asian community in South Africa! Trina and I are also privileged to work with communities, like the one in Durban, in the United Kingdom and Malaysia. Today their are approximately 2.8 billion Hindus and Muslims. This is nearly forty percent of the world's population and represents a profound harvest opportunity that the Church must not ignore. Consider 2 Timothy 1:7 which says,

7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (NKJV)

During our years in South Africa, Trina and I have seen the aggression of eastern religions toward both their current followers and would be converts. It is important for Christians to be informed about the imperial nature that is fundamental to Islam and the demonic oppression that is synonymous with Hinduism. Both are very dangerous to the individuals they envelope and the nations that are influenced by these ideologies. We do need to pray for wisdom for Western leaders to make appropriate political choices that will not allow democratic freedoms to be compormised by the values of eastern religions. However, it is even more important that "fear" not be allowed to dictate the Church's response to these groups. Christian's, above all else, must be resolute in loving and ministering Christ to those lost in eastern religions. There is an overlooked element in the discussion about the Muslim "invasions" of Europe and the United States of America. What is largely lost in the debate is the opportunity presented by Muslims and Hindus coming to live in free societies. It is much easier to befriend and share Christ with a Muslim/Hindu in the UK or USA than in Saudi Arabia or rural India! It is our belief that the very strategy intended by the enemy to spread darkness will be turned around as a resounding victory for Christ. But the people of God are called to respond with a "sound mind" that knows its purpose to pray and see those in darkness set free. Please join us in this burden over the coming year. Ask the Lord's direction for how you can make a difference in the life of a Muslim or Hindu. Please pray for and support our ministry to these beautiful people.