November 5, 2012
November 5, 2012
August 15, 2012
We have just finished two weeks working in Harare,Zimbabwe and the Drakensberg mountain area of South Africa. We attend an annual conference in Harare that brings leaders from many of the Southern African nations together for teaching and fellowship. Over the years this gathering has grown both in number and effectiveness. We are currently praying for a larger venue to accommodate the increased interest in the meetings. Please pray for the planning challenges that will go along with a new, larger event. We ask the leaders who attend to pay for their own transport cost and we, IRC Ministries and partners, do our best to provide Bible training and subsidize the venue for the attendees.
We have also seen our outreach to Zulu speaking people in the Drakensberg Mountain area of South Africa expand. We continue to work with several key leaders who definitely preside over fields of people that are "white for the harvest." Our recent work there included many salivations and bibles distributed. There is MUCH more to be done in this area and we appreciate your support! |
Mozambique July 1, 2012 |
We have just completed a very intense period of ministry in South Africa and Mozambique. We spent a total of 27 days, from late May through June, traveling to Cape Town, SA and throughout southern Mozambique. Trina and Bridget spent this time at home in Durban as they worked through Bridget's school requirements. It is a great challenge to be away from them for this length of time and it is our hope that in the future the schedule will allow for more time between ministry venues.
The work in Mozambique has exploded and there is no end in site to what the Lord is doing in that nation. Having survived the terror of communism, where most Christian practice was deemed illegal, many people are receiving Christ and are very hungry to grow and mature in Him. There is a significant problem with witchcraft and occult practices in Mozambique and new believers must be taught not to involve themselves in any way with these deceptions. |
One practical facet of the work there is to distribute bibles translated
in the local African language, Tsonga (pronounced Shangan). With
the help of a minister from Brazil, Ari Cavalcanti, we were able to
distribute nearly 300 bibles to those who did not have any scripture
to study or read. While this distribution began the process we were
only able to place bibles in the hands of a fraction of the people in need.
Please continue to pray for more provision in this area as there is a
profound need for more bibles in and among the different people groups
and churches we are working with.
We are resting and preparing for a Southern Africa pastor's conference
in Harare, Zimbabwe from July22nd - 29th and work in the Drakensberg
Mountains, SA the first week of August. Please keep these events and
our family in your prayers!
Pastor Camilo Manhico and Rodney |
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Our three beautiful grandchildren. |
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Our son |
May 2012
We are entering a very busy time in ministry over the next three months. Much of our work in the African countries is done over the winter period from June through August to limit the chances of mosquito born illness during the outreaches. At times the conditions are very rural causing transportation to be a significant challenge. Also, during some of this ministry, Bridget and Trina will stay in South Africa adding the emotional strain of being separated from family. We will travel several places within South Africa, to Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and the United Kingdom. It is a wonderful privilege to serve the Lord in the capacity that we do, but we understand our utter dependence on Him more every day. Part of His Grace, is YOUR prayer support for us during this period.
Blessings in Christ..............Rod, Trina and Bridget
March 29, 2012
We have returned to South Africa after a three month visit to the USA where we had a wonderful time with all parts of our family. December was spent with our immediate relatives in Alaska and Fort Worth, Texas. It was the first time in a number of years that we have been able so spend the entire holiday season with them. Our travel among the churches and Ministries we work with was equally fantastic. Philippians 4:1 (NASB) 1. Therefore, my beloved brethren whom I long to see, my joy and crown, in this way stand firm in the Lord, my beloved.
James Jeter gave me my first job in the ministry many years ago. He taught me that ministries should exist for the purpose of exalting Christ and benefiting His people. Trina and I will always be committed to these values in our work. These photos are some of the individuals we work with in the USA that make up our "joy and crown." |
Blessings, Rod and Trina Kirkpatrick |