One of the primary aspects of our ministry is to "come along side" churches and ministries, encouraging their work to the degree that they request and in the way the Holy Spirit is leading us to do so. One of our longstanding relationships is with a Xhosa pastor named Mqokeleli in Wellington, SA. We've worked with him since the church was planted and seen the Lord raise a bright light from almost nothing. On our most recent trip to work with his church it was clear that they have turned the corner and are really beginning to impact their community with the good news of Jesus. Trina and I have cried with this man on more than one occasion concering the work of the Lord and it is most satisfying to see this brother's ministry touching both individuals and leaders on a significant scale.
Praying with Mqokeleli Mntanga of Harvester Community Church
We also had the chance to recently work with our son in the faith, Jeron Pearson, as he facilitates training through Youth With a Mission here in South Africa.
Ministry with Jeron Pearson at YWAM Muizenberg in Cape Town, SA
Finally, I wanted to let everyone know that while it is challenging for me, Bridget is growing into a wonderful young lady. It is difficult to "grow up" in a place far from where you were born, but Bridget is doing great and continuing to be a joy to us every single day.
Bridget at her friend Jessica Bouwer's sixteenth birthday party
Blessings in Christ Jesus............................Rodney, Trina, Bridget