The Congolese brothers and sisters here in Etete were very blessed with the Proclaimer in Lingala, their mother language. A Proclaimer is the New Testament on a solar powered audio device. The guys sit outside in a group and turn it up loud so that everyone passing buy can hear the Word of God. Thank you so much Randy and Gloria Moore of Lake Highlands Church in Dallas for making this possible.

There have been several donations come in this month to provide much needed beds, clothing, toys and blankets for the families in our community. Everyone was excited when the truck drove up with the deliveries. As you know from the IRC news update, Bathy's wife, Silvie and son, Perfect finally arrived form the Congo after two long years of waiting. Bathy says "now every day life is good". We know that God answers prayers.

There has been a new addition to our South African family. Levi and Kabibi had a baby girl on June 12th. Joy is a very appropriate name for this little bundle. The doctor told them they were having a boy but God had other plans. Now we are working on getting this little one some pink things to wear.

We will be doing a kids fun day in an area north of us in July. There has already been a donation of one hundred New Testaments in Zulu for this event. We would also like to provide each child with a blanket and a soft toy. If you would like to help with this please put a note in with your donation to let us know it is for the kids. Thank you all so much for you love and support.